To coincide with People Powered Retrofit’s first AGM, we brought together members, special guests and our team to discuss the landscape of retrofit.
With the need to scale up retrofit in the UK, the theme of the session was: ‘Who are the early adopters?’ We took a deep dive into the drivers and motivations of those who have taken the plunge and made a start on transforming their homes through deep retrofit projects. First up, Cara Holmes from Citizen’s Advice presented on their research into 'net zero' measures and householder interest, sharing fascinating insights into where people are interested in measures and where there are able to pay for them and/or willing to borrow.
In the following panel discussion we explored these themes in greater detail with Marianne Heaslip, People Powered Retrofit’s technical director, Ian Preston, Director of Household Energy Services at the Centre for Sustainable Energy and Amy Hield Technical Lead at Cumbria Action for Sustainability.
You can watch a recording of the event here.